Men’s Ministry

Men’s Ministry

What does it mean to be a man of God? This is what we are going to pursue, Together! We want to not just bring what is good, but what is Best! This means that we will look at a biblical vision of manhood, with a set of godly boundaries that offer a biblical code of conduct, and invite us to a transcendent cause—living for God’s eternal reward! As we allow God to shape us more and more like Jesus, we lean in and take up the mantle: As Men of God we reject passivity, accept responsibility, lead courageously, and live for God’s eternal reward. If you are interested in growing as a Man of God, and being able to help others do so as well, please join us.

When We Meet

Thursday Mornings @ 10:30AM @ Juniper's in BG

If you would like to join us, send Eric a message!

Questions? Contact us below.

Men's Fraternity


10:30 AM Juniper's in BG